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Marinecork at the 64th Genoa Boat Show.

We had anticipated that MarineCork's 2024 event calendar would be filled with engagements, and indeed, after wrapping up an intense and captivating Yachting Festival in Cannes, we are ready to participate in the Genoa Boat Show.

The Genoa Boat Show is an unmissable event for MarineCork. On this occasion, we look forward to meeting boat owners, shipyards, and sea enthusiasts who share our vision for a more sustainable future in the nautical sector. Our team will be at your disposal to present the latest innovations from MarineCork, demonstrating how this solution, born from our deep knowledge of cork and the nautical industry, can enhance the comfort and performance of boats while simultaneously reducing environmental impact.
We look forward to welcoming you at stand TB26 Hall B!

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